7 Secrets of Successful Sales Letters

Do you send out sales letters? How well do they work?

Most sales letters fail. At best they produce a tiny trickle of response. Of course, sales letters should be part of a campaign, not simply to satisfy an urge to do some marketing.

There are seven key elements that could transform the results from your sales letters. Here are the first two:

1. The List comes first
• Who is your target market?
• Must be relevant to your product or service
• Is the Database up to date, accurate, fully named?

2. Make the envelope look right
• Use a stamp not a franking machine
• Make it look like personal correspondence
• Don’t put sales messages for the sake of something to say

Look out for the next two tomorrow. Meanwhile, to get the benefit of all seven (and more), contact Wordsmith Phillip Khan-Panni on phillip@pkpcommunicators.com.