Meeting the media on your terms

Working well with print and broadcast media

This course is for anyone with the responsibility for presenting a company’s best face to the world, in good times and in bad. It is about developing the right mindsets to project positive impressions at all times, and avoid the careless comments that can send the company’s share price into freefall. It is about being proactive in managing the news and maintaining a mutually helpful relationship with the media. It is about being newsworthy. It includes techniques for dealing with interviews with both the written and the broadcast media—telephone interviews as well. It reveals the secrets of writing readable press releases, and how to maximise your chances of getting them published.


  • Half Day x 2
  • Full Day

What are the outcomes from this course?

  • Be able to handle interviews with the press and broadcast media
  • Deal confidently with Q & A
  • Be able to prepare readable press releases
  • Know how to get to the point
  • Understand journalists’ agendas

Who should attend?

Business leaders, those working in PR, Advertising and Marketing, Lawyers, Medical and Business Consultants, Editors
and Freelance Journalists

Contact us

Please call or email us for details of any course, and for our fees. All our courses can be in-house or open, and online training modules will shortly be available. They will give you access to our training in a low-cost and convenient way.

enquiries: 0845 1659240 (+44 (0)845 1659240)
alternative: 07768 696254 (+44 (0)7768 696254)

email:   blog:

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