Speak in a way that others want to listen

PKP Communicators is a training consultancy specialising in verbal communication—public speaking, advanced presentation skills, business writing, selling across cultures and handling media. Our clients are senior managers, company directors, CEOs and business owners, all of whom rely on effective communication skills.

Phillip Khan-Panni, UK Business Speaker of the Year

Phillip Khan-Panni
We will transform your skills. You will learn to speak in public without fear, deliver business presentations that hold the attention of your audience and get you the results you want.
You will have a much better understanding of the process of persuading others to your point of view or your business proposition.

Our training programmes will be tailored to your needs. We don’t sell training. We bring about change.

Send for my 1 Minute Checklist* that tells you the 30 things you need to know. It will also tell you if you should go ahead with your planned presentation.

Speak to Phillip Khan-Panni, Founder of PKP Communicators and of the Professional Speaking Association, and World Silver Medallist in Public Speaking. Tell him what you need and let him make a proposal that suits you.

Call him on +353 (0)45 943 783 or email him at: phillip@pkpcommunicators.com.

* For the 1-Minute Checklist, visit this page and sign up for our free newsletter. If you’d prefer a printed version, send your name, job title and snailmail address to phillip@pkpcommunicators.com.