Original What our clients say

Phillip challenged us to think outside of the box and to break free of our comfort zone in order to achieve beyond what we thought possible. His keynote was passionate and invoked emotion in the audience to compel them to take action.

Colin Phipps and Francis West, co-Directors of the Millionaires Business Club

One of the most constructive training days I have had.

Direct Marketing Partnership

Phillip is an inspirational tutor, demonstrating the value of what he teaches us in his own performance. I found it both extremely challenging and rewarding.

Marketing Director, Biomni

Some of the best training that I have received.

Building Research Establishment

If only all one day courses could give the confidence that this course gives.

Delta Airlines London

The whole course was most useful and a most worthwhile use of our time.

Department of the Environment

In a few hours I learned more than I could ever have expected.

Lambeth Building Society

Very good. Met my expectations and helped me find ways of developing my presentation skills further.

Account Manager, Edelman PR Worldwide

Excellent empathy and constructive, focused learning points.

Director, Mid Kent Water plc

The most genuinely useful course since the beginning of the training program.

Delta Airlines Europe

I thought the course was fantastic. Phillip was an inspiring speaker & his tips and experience were brilliant.

Account Director, Lexis PR

Never speak in public before you speak to Phillip.

Delta Airlines London

People found your material extremely helpful and your model of speaking something they would like to emulate.

The Medical Centre of Central Georgia, USA

Contact us

Please call or email us for details of any course, and for our fees. All our courses can be in-house or open, and online training modules will shortly be available. They will give you access to our training in a low-cost and convenient way.

enquiries: 0845 1659240 (+44 (0)845 1659240)
alternative: 07768 696254 (+44 (0)7768 696254)

email: phillip@pkpcommunicators.com   blog: pkpcommunicators.com/blog/

For a dynamic motivational speaker, go to: www.phillipkhan-panni.com