The PKP Approach

…to Better Business across Cultures

English has become the internationally accepted language for global business communication. However, there is more than one type of English. Even Microsoft recognises American English along with UK English. In Britain, we have a range of English dialects, each with its own set of communication assumptions as well as a different accent, reflecting a different cultural heritage.

What is the PKP Approach?

  • To encourage an enterprise-wide approach to cross-cultural communication
  • To give and receive their messages in a culturally sensitive manner
  • To use the Anglo-Saxon method of communication as the basic structure

The PKP Approach fits well with cross-cultural communication. Phillip Khan-Panni is co-author of Communicating Across Cultures.

Why do PKP use the Anglo-Saxon Method of Communication?

Research has shown that in doing business internationally, the Anglo-Saxon method is the most generally well-received throughout the world. It carries with it a disciplined structure that can easily be adapted to suit other cultures and is appropriate because international communication is in English.

It combines the enthusiasm of the North Americans with the information-rich approach of the Europeans. Without being ‘in your face’, its reasoning is logical, its language is simple and direct, tending to be focused on Outcome, not Process.

How is the PKP Approach used?

Through our own extensive researches, we have created models of communication which apply to different cultures, illustrating the expectations of different national types. These will help you to avoid miscommunication and deliver better business presentations to international audiences.

Remember, that the surest route to successful business relationships is to identify and meet the expectations of those you want to do business with. We can help you to achieve that.

How is the PKP Approach Flexible?

We guide companies and train people to adopt the Anglo-Saxon structure and methodology, building in certain elements of cultural understanding and expectations. This allows you to be you, without having to compromise your core beliefs. It’s good for business.

What are the Benefits of using the PKP Approach?

First of all, you will never have to worry whether your foreign clients understand you; you can present, sell and negotiate in a far more effective manner. What’s more, your staff will understand you better, and be more motivated for better business.

Contact us

Please call or email us for details of any course, and for our fees. All our courses can be in-house or open, and online training modules will shortly be available. They will give you access to our training in a low-cost and convenient way.

enquiries: +353 (0)45 943 783
alternative: 07768 696254 (+44 (0)7768 696254)

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