How to run meetings and the cross-cultural implications of negotiating and reaching agreement
The course is aimed at Directors, Diplomats, Managers, Project Managers and Aid Workers, either working at home or abroad, who need to gain the co-operation of international partners through meetings and negotiations, conducted in the international modus vivendi based on Western practices and using the English language
Overall Objectives:
- To understand how to conduct an international meeting
- To understand the cultural differences regarding the purpose of meetings
- To consider how ‘national character’ affects negotiations
- To understand different styles of decision-making
- To know how cultural reasoning styles influence comprehension
- To recognise that ‘win-win’ is a western apporach to negotiating
- To interpret when a ‘Yes’ is really a ‘Yes’
- To develop realistic expectations of contracts and agreements
Normally Three-Day Programme
The final content and detailed agenda will depend on the number of days and trainers allotted.
Delivery Format:
Workshop, Interactive, Participative and Seminar
The course will be very interactive, with participants learning by doing. It will be jargon-free, although standard technical terms will be explained. The course will aim to provide three main benefits:
- to change the thinking of participants, so they approach future negotiations more constructively than before
- to be aware of pre-existing beliefs and assumptions
- to develop certain practical skills that they can apply right away
We usually video participants and provide positive feedback.
Contact us
Please call or email us for details of any course, and for our fees. All our courses can be in-house or open, and online training modules will shortly be available. They will give you access to our training in a low-cost and convenient way.
enquiries: 0845 1659240 (+44 (0)845 1659240)
alternative: 07768 696254 (+44 (0)7768 696254)
email: blog:
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