- Check on Punctuality: Far East it is essential; Middle East it is very unlikely; Switzerland and Germany an imperative; UK and US very likely; Spain and Italy very improbable.
- Senior people and heads of delegations always walk in first in China; contrast this with the US. Don’t always take it for granted that the ‘leader’ is the Power.
- In light of the above, show respect to everyone.
- Exchange of business cards: Middle East only senior business people. Meishi koukan in Japan is a very important aspect of business etiquette. Placing the card in front of you on the table is an additional sign of respect.
- Hierarchy systems are often in place, so wait to be shown your seat. In the Far East the most senior person sits farthest from the door often facing it.
- Middle East – expect frequent interruptions and for the meeting to be reconvened several times. Often, they even double book.
- Be aware that Muslims pray 5 times a day and all work ceases then.
- In some countries a detailed list is required concerning the objectives you wish to meet, and who will be attending.
- An emotional appeal to pride, trust, mutual compatibility can be more successful than an appeal to facts and logic.
- Many Africans do business in a ‘take it or leave it’ fashion, whether they are a buyer or a seller. They want you to believe they are indispensable.
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