- In many countries only the most senior person does the speaking
- Send someone of 50+ (or with greying hair) to head your team to countries other than ‘Western’ ones. Seniority is respected and counts more than competence.
- Don’t interrupt when someone is speaking in Far East (contrast with the Italians and US).
- Frontline negotiators can be ‘information gatherers’ for officials behind the scene. Those behind the scenes will be dreaming up new questions to ask.
- Koreans and Nigerians will interrupt—a desirable sign of eagerness.
- Large teams are often sent; this is necessary for decision-making, not for domineering.
- Some cultures (China esp.) do not like dealing with lone individuals.
- Consider sending all male teams to some countries.
- An ethnic-mixed team may/may not be appropriate.
- Many Westerners are misled by the word ‘Yes‘. They are not reading the non-verbal clues that indicate how the ‘Yes‘ was meant
- Hard bargaining: Africans, Russians, Finns, Norwegians.
- Win-win is a ‘western’ concept and not at all understood by many.
- Negotiating and bargaining are traditional practices in the Middle East and India—expect inflated prices then start giving concessions. Don’t accept an offer too early, they may feel as though you have spoilt the experience.
- In China and Russia, Economic Value is the basis for negotiations.
- Consider how you will deal with corruption and bribery. 90% of the world transacts business this way to a greater or lesser degree. In general, they don’t consider it corruption, but rather as a fee or commission for services rendered.
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Please call or email us for details of any course, and for our fees. All our courses can be in-house or open, and online training modules will shortly be available. They will give you access to our training in a low-cost and convenient way.
enquiries: 0845 1659240 (+44 (0)845 1659240)
alternative: 07768 696254 (+44 (0)7768 696254)
email: phillip@pkpcommunicators.com blog: pkpcommunicators.com/blog/
For a dynamic motivational speaker, go to: www.phillipkhan-panni.com